Dynamic Bubble Pressure Analyser BPA-1P

Maximum bubble pressure tensiometer

New development based on more than 10 years of experience in bubble pressure measuring technique. Many new instrumental details have been published recently, such as the determination of bubble time characteristics from the gas flow signal.

Features of the instrument

Four different measuring modes available.
Process controlling option on board.
Two different displays - text or graphic - available.
BPA-1P is the simplified version of the BPA-1S representing
the high end
instrument in bubble pressure tensiometry.

The instrument allows the following measurements

  • dynamic surface tensions in a time interval from 10 ms to about 10 s
  • provides various time scales: bubble frequency, physical time, adsorption time
  • automatic consideration of the capillary's immersion depth
  • consideration of bubble deformation from sphericity
  • correction of viscosity effects


BPA-1P operates as stand-alone instrument. It stores data on board for 180 measurements. Data download from the instrument to a PC via RS-232 or USB port. The software allows graphical display of several measurements for comparison. Graphics with various zoom functions supports the visual analysis of the data. Export as text file or directly into MS Excel.

More information to be downloaded as BPA-1P.pdf ( 230kB).
A measuring example is available as BPA-1P-Example.pdf (132 kB).

SINTERFACE Technologies
Dr. Reinhard Miller & Dr. Alexander Makievski GbR

Volmerstraße 5, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 63923240; Fax: +49 30 63923241; Email: info<at>sinterface<dot>com

This page last updated: 12.01.2011